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Complete beginner's guide to starting a Jena project in Eclipse
A complete beginner's guide to starting a Jena project in Eclipse. I fairly often get email of the following form: Dear Mr/Dr/Professor Dickinson ...
ephemerian articles and essays: embedding JavaCC grammars
Sep 25, 2006 ... This method of integrating two JavaCC-based grammars relies on delegating the parsing of the input stream from the main parser to the ...
Complete beginner's guide to starting a Jena project in Eclipse
That's actually enough to allow me to use Jena in Eclipse, but there's a couple of additional optional steps that make programming a bit easier. ...
Complete beginner's guide to starting a Jena project in Eclipse
A complete beginner's guide to starting a Jena project in Eclipse ... A plain Java project is fine for a basic Jena application. If you want to, ...
Complete beginner's guide to starting a Jena project in Eclipse
I can tell Eclipse where to find the source code and the javadoc for the Jena classes (I'll show how that's helpful later on). Next to the jena.jar entry in ...
ephemerian articles and essays: embedding JavaCC grammars
Sep 25, 2006 ... Then you run JavaCC's compiler to generate from those grammar rules a set of Java classes that will consume strings, check that conform to ...
FOAF profile
Eclipse XML editor Ian Dickinson Dr Ian Dickinson 896dfb5980f37c47ada8c2a2538888d0c39e582d mailto:ian.dickinson@hp.com male ephemerian 51.14276 -2.71619 ...
FOAF profile
Eclipse XML editor Ian Dickinson Dr Ian Dickinson 896dfb5980f37c47ada8c2a2538888d0c39e582d mailto:ian.dickinson@hp.com male ephemerian 51.14276 -2.71619 ...
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