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Organic Listing Variations
Billy Beezer's Garden: Weigela florida - Cardinal Shrub
Cardinal shrub begins blooming in mid-May. It blooms heavily for about 3½ weeks, and produces flowers here and there throughout the rest of the year. ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Syringa vulgare - Common Lilac
Don't forget to add lime - lilacs love lime. The lilac pictured at left was grown from an 8-inch tall sucker, and started blooming four years later. ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Phlox sublata - Mountain Pink
Mountain Pink (Creeping Phlox, Moss Pink) is a low-growing, evergreen groundcover or rock-garden plant for sunny areas. The one pictured is the variety ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Viola spp.- Violet
Viola spp.- Violet One species grows about 9" high, and has broad, dark-green leaves. It has large, green seed pods growing from horizontal stems underneath ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Weigela florida - Cardinal Shrub
Weigela florida - Cardinal Shrub "Bristol Ruby". Cardinal shrub begins blooming in mid-May. It blooms heavily for about 3½ weeks, and produces flowers here ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Hyacinthus orientalis - Dutch Hyacinth
Dutch Hyacinth blooms for less than two weeks in the spring. Mine grow about ten inches tall. I only have four of them now, but plan on propagating them. ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Verbena bonarensis - Vervain
Verbena bonarensis is a perennial in zones 7-10, but grows as a hardy annual elsewhere. It grows 3'-4' tall in my garden. The narrow plants usually grow ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Sedum kamtschaticum - Kamschatka Stonecrop
Sedum kamtschaticum - Kamschatka Stonecrop. Kamschatka Stonecrop is a great rock garden or groundcover plant. It emerges in February, and quickly covers the ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Sedum kamtschaticum - Kamschatka Stonecrop
Kamschatka Stonecrop is a great rock garden or groundcover plant. It emerges in February, and quickly covers the ground. The plants are covered with small, ...
Billy Beezer's Garden: Gleditsia tricanthos - Honey Locust
Gleditsia tricanthos - Honey Locust "Sunburst". I originally wanted to plant a "Shademaster" Honey Locust, but couldn't find one anywhere. ...
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