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google.com 10,298,059
cs.beadandbutton.com 2,478
alexa.com 1,714,823
startaid.com 1,805,004
amazon.com 22,358,187
etsy.com 430,387
ganoksin.com 13,099
guidetobeadwork.com 4,796
books.google.com 13,486,892
aboutus.org 1,590,134
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Organic Listing Variations
branch of red coral - Beadworkers - tribe.net
The removing of any coral destroys marine habitat. It's not that any particular coral is "endangered" (although Mediterranean genuine red coral is pretty ...
Upcoming Bay Area bead shows! - Beadworkers - tribe.net
Re: Upcoming Bay Area bead shows! Tue, May 17, 2005 - 3:45 PM. Do you get this from the "sterling, bali, and thai silver findings" thread? ...
branch of red coral - Beadworkers - tribe.net
I want to make a simple necklace where the pendant is a big branch of red coral. Anyone know where I can find a big piece of coral? I'm talking 4-6". ...
can anyone recommend a good website?? - Beadworkers - tribe.net
Jun 25, 2006 ... Also TSI in Seattle, WA, is a great findings source.... TSI Inc: Seattle Store maps.google.com. TSI 101 Nickerson St Seattle 206-282-3046 ...
silver blackening - Beadworkers - tribe.net
Curious if anybody has any techniques for blackening (tarnishing) silver. I know there's a liver of sulphur compound, but I hear that leaves you with a dead ...
Baubles by Laurel Ann Bogen - tribe.net
The beading community can't help but share, and here's one more way to do it! If you do beadwork (stringing, weaving, embroidery, etc...), this is.
hey there! - Beadworkers - tribe.net
You should try going to beadbabe.com they are a wholesale store open to thet public, you don't need a resale liscence and i's great prices, it's where I but ...
need bulk rhinestones - Beadworkers - tribe.net
i want to cover my car in rhinestones, but i will need to buy them in bulk, and preferably by color. I dont know where to look for rhinestones in ...
need bulk rhinestones - Beadworkers - tribe.net
i want to cover my car in rhinestones, but i will need to buy them in bulk, and preferably by color. I dont know where to look for rhinestones in ...
branch of red coral - Beadworkers - tribe.net
I want to make a simple necklace where the pendant is a big branch of red coral. Anyone know where I can find a big piece of coral? I'm talking 4-6". ...
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