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Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Scare Chain Letters
Scare Chains are a special class of Urban Legend that purport to be ... So, as long as you don't stick the perfume bottle up your nose and snort the ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Hacked History
This story apparently got started when Barbara Walters honored Jane Fonda as ... 100 years of great women" should never include a traitor whose hands are ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Urban Legends and Myths
Urban myths and legends have been with us since times beyond remembering and are likely to be with us well into the future. Urban myths are generally ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Urban Legends and Myths
Urban myths and legends have been with us since times beyond remembering and are likely ... (center for disease control in Atlanta Georgia) Warning: Several ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Urban Legends and Myths
Urban myths and legends have been with us since times beyond remembering and are likely ... (center for disease control in Atlanta Georgia) Warning: Several ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Hacked History
Sincerely, Cdr Hamilton McWhorter USN(ret) Please forward this to as many people as you can. We don't want this woman to even think of running for President ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Hacked History
Sincerely, Cdr Hamilton McWhorter USN(ret) Please forward this to as many people as you can. We don't want this woman to even think of running for President ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Sympathy Hoaxes
PLEASE PASS ON AS A LAST REQUEST Dr. Dennis Shields, Professor Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology 1300 Morris Park Avenue Bronx, ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Threat Chain Letters
Threat chains are chain letters that threaten to do something to you, .... Because we master MSN, everytime this letter is sent out a copy is also instantly ...
Fastbytes Internet Services Hoaxes - Inconsequential Warnings
I'm not trying to scare anyone...just a friendly warning to all of you ... discontinue marketing over the counter products that contain Phenylpropanolamine ...
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