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Keywords found: 79
#Competitors: 1,126
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Keywords (79) Position
computer machines 13
computer machines 13
turing 10
turing 19
computing machine 1
prize contest 8
test contest 11
in responce 9
competition prize 9
alan paper 2
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Competitors (1,126) Keywords 28,718,623 22,358,187 7,918 13,486,892 57,922 30,834,319 1,290 8,811,884 5,215,623 332,093
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Organic Listing Variations
Computing Machinery and Intelligence A.M. Turing
She can add such things as "I am the woman, don't listen to him! .... The idea behind digital computers may be explained by saying that these machines are ...
Computing Machinery and Intelligence A.M. Turing
Web pages for the UMBC course CMSC471/671 for the Fall 1998 semester.
Jabberwacky entry to the Loebner Prize 2005. This transcript is in the public domain. Judge connected to local Jabberwacky. Local IP: ...
The True Olympic Scandal
In Sydney, Australia, there were commemorative Olympic gold medals available for sale to tourists. These were 24 carat gold. The medals that were awarded to ...
The True Olympic Scandal
In Sydney, Australia, there were commemorative Olympic gold medals available for sale to tourists. These were 24 carat gold. The medals that were awarded to ...
Loebner Prize for Artificial Intelligence
Each year an annual prize of $2000 and a bronze medal is awarded to the most human-like computer. The winner of the annual contest is the best entry ...
Loebner Prize for Artificial Intelligence
Crowd Control Stanchions used at Loebner Prize competition are provided by Crown Industries' crowd control stanchion division. ...
Computing Machinery and Intelligence A.M. Turing
The computer includes a store corresponding to the paper used by a human ...... if the text could only be discovered by a "Twenty Questions" technique, ...
Loebner Prize for Artificial Intelligence
Crowd Control Stanchions used at Loebner Prize competition are provided by Crown Industries' crowd control stanchion division. ...
Computing Machinery and Intelligence A.M. Turing
The circumstances in question are discussed in the rest of this paper. .... This argument appears to be a denial of the validity of our test. ...
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