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Lawns would look awful because Joseph Smith, a black man, invented the lawn ... This is a list of notable African-American inventors and scientists. ...
A Perspective on Slavery.
The new states of Maine, Massachusetts Pennsylvania and abolished slavery. In 1784, Connecticut, Rhone Island and Vermont abolished slavery in their states. ...
Food would have spoiled because a black man, John Standard, could not have invented ... This is a list of notable African-American inventors and scientists. ...
Africa & the African Slave Trade
Over the course of three Centuries, millions of African people were taken captive by raiders, marched to slave trading ports on the West Coast of Africa and ...
Catherine Fay Ewing
Credit for starting the Children's Home System in Ohio belongs to a wonderful lady named Mrs. Catherine Fay Ewing, of Marietta, Ohio. Catherine Fay was born ...
African Slave Trade across the Atlantic Ocean
A loaded slave ship ready to depart from Africa and begin the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. This voyage was called the Middle Passage. ...
... tall skyscrapers in the United States because Alexander Miles, a black man, ... This is a list of notable African-American inventors and scientists. ...
Slavery in the English Colonies of North America
We sometimes imagine that oppressive slave laws were put quickly into full force by greedy landowners in the English Colonies of North America. ...
Slavery in the English Colonies of North America
A preview for slaves arriving at Jamestown (circa 1700) ... John Carter (1613-1669) sailed from England to the Jamestown Virginia in 1635. ...
Slavery in the English Colonies of North America
This was the beginning of 247 years of combined slavery for these people .... John Carter (1613-1669) sailed from England to the Jamestown Virginia in 1635. ...
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