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1. The Best Suitcase ???
7 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Mar 23, 2008There are options of expanding suitcases. Well, I started out (18yrs ago) with the company issued pull (on a leash!!!) suitcase. ...
2. The Best Suitcase ???
7 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Mar 23, 2008An initially expensive suitcase will outlive 5 or 6 or more cheaper cases, so it is worth spending a lot on a good one. ...
Holding Page Sorry Cabincrew is under going some maintenace. Please come back soon.
Cabin crew courses, cabin crew training at Courses - cabin crew courses, cabin crew training.
Holding Page Sorry Cabincrew is under going some maintenace. Please come back soon.
Cabin Crew Forum, Galley FM, Flight attendant forum
Wannabe Cabin Crew (3 Viewing) For those just starting out! ... For all announcements relating to cabin crew jobs, 8, 9, Today at 2:19pm ...
7. How does the booking leave system wk on SH LHR?
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 12, 2008So being in the company already and have a staff number and do have access to the and everything I should be able to bid str8 ...
8. Want to work for easyJet? Common Q&A's
DO EASYJET SELL DUTY FREE ITEMS? Duty free has been abolished on european flights. All european based aircraft sell tax paid gift shops items (perfumes, ...
Easyjet: Want to work for easyJet? Common Q&A's
10 posts - Last post: Mar 6As a near paperless airline, easyJet try to keep as many functions computer based as ..... Does Easyjet Pay Crew their Standby-SBY Shifts? ...
10. Want to work for easyJet? Common Q&A's
DO EASYJET OFFER STAFF TRAVEL? Yes, there is a special staff travel booking system. You usually pay a minimal airfare plus taxes. ...
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