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British Mythology - Pwyll Prince of Dyfed
Pwyll follows Rhiannon’s instructions to the letter, having learnt his lesson in foolishly giving away his bride, but the badger in the bag episode was not ...
British Mythology - Math the son of Mathonwy
At this time Goewin, the fairest maiden in Gwynedd, kept Math's feet warm in her lap, and the land was at peace. All was well until Math's nephew Gilvaethwy ...
Bran’s cauldron. Matholwch took his new bride Branwen back to Ireland, and as the seasons turned, she bore him a son named Gwern. The people in Ireland were ...
The Noble Head. His companions carried Bran's head across the sea, and to their wonder the head remained uncorrupted, and was as good company as Bran ...
Bran and the Bardic Tradition
Gwion is thus claiming oracular powers as a spiritual son of the Alder-god Bran…” Robert Graves, The White Goddess, p.75-76. Bran and the alder ...
British Mythology - Taliesin
The tale of Taliesin is included in the Mabinogion translation by Lady Charlotte Guest although it is of later date than the other stories. ...
Newith and the Bone Needle
He was just imagining what kissing his new wife would feel like, when he became aware of his hand, tightly curled around the bone needle. ...
Newith and the Bone Needle
Father and son were out collecting mussels, when Newith slipped on a seaweed-covered rock. .... The Lady said we're all made of light and dark and water, woven together. ... patterns of light and dark. His ears filled with a roaring sound. ... The on
Newith and the Bone Needle
Father and son were out collecting mussels, when Newith slipped on a seaweed-covered rock. .... The Lady said we're all made of light and dark and water, woven together. ... patterns of light and dark. His ears filled with a roaring sound. ... The on
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