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Wyndcroft: 3rd Grade
3rd Grade - Wyndcroft. ... As the culmination of the unit on rocks, caves, and bats, third graders take a field trip to Crystal Cave. ...
Wyndcroft: 3rd Grade
3rd Grade - Wyndcroft. ... Important current events such as historic anniversaries and the .... Preparation for chorus is also begun in the third grade. ...
Did you know that yesterday, February 18th was the 100th day that Wyndcroft students have come to school this year? Hill School Orchestra Entertains ... Show map of 1395 Wilson St, Pottstown, PA 19464
Wyndcroft: 4th Grade
The fourth grade focuses on a variety of topics, such as the scientific method, space, and an introduction to chemistry. Fourth graders begin the year by ...
The World in Wyndcroft kicked-off today during chapel with Head of School, Dr. Kathleen Wunner speaking about the history of Pottstown, the country and the ... Show map of 1395 Wilson St, Pottstown, PA 19464
Wyndcroft: 1st Grade
They learn to write sentences, author their own short stories, work on spelling, ... First graders complete projects as short-term assignments. ...
Wyndcroft: 1st Grade
1st Grade - Wyndcroft. ... They learn to write sentences, author their own short stories, ... First graders complete projects as short-term assignments. ...
Wyndcroft: 4th Grade
The fourth grade focuses on a variety of topics, such as the scientific method, space, and an introduction to chemistry. Fourth graders begin the year by ...
Wyndcroft: 4th Grade
Fourth graders work on their first major research paper, complete with note cards, outlines, and a bibliography. In fourth grade, students begin to receive ...
Wyndcroft: 5th Grade
5th Grade - Wyndcroft. ... Fifth graders explore a variety of topics: scientific method, oceans, sound, sensing and moving, electricity and magnetism, ...
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