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Prewriting: Cubing
Cubing is a writing exercise used as a prewriting technique. ... Time your writing with a clock or timer so that you write about six aspects of your topic ...
Writing in French
The first idea that professors suggest is to always write in French! To become a better writer, you must begin to think in French, letting your thought ...
MLA Documentation
A song's title would be placed in double quotations, however ... Always try to quote from the original source. When that is not possible, ...
Sample Quotations
Often writers scrambling for "evidence" to support a point will not only misrepresent a source, but also overuse quotations and examples from it. ...
12 / Two Student Papers Critically Examined
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML that this paper has reflected a lot of "busy-ness" that had no direction and no outcome. The detailed critiques of the two student papers clearly estab- ...
Thesis Statements
The thesis statement can help "map" a paper as it suggests an order or direction for the paper's development. A thesis statement, for example, might read: ...
Thesis Statements
A thesis statement is one of the greatest unifying aspects of a paper. ... In this example, the thesis statement suggests an obvious path for development in ...
12 / Two Student Papers Critically Examined
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML 12 / Two Student Papers. Critically Examined. To make clear the many techniques and rules you must observe in writing historical prose, you are now asked to ...
12 / Two Student Papers Critically Examined
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML 12 / Two Student Papers. Critically Examined. To make clear the many techniques and rules you must observe in writing historical prose, you are now asked to ...
Focusing Sentences Through Parallelism
In the first example, the words "who are" are repeated three times, ... Balanced Sentences:. White chickens lay white eggs, and brown chickens lay brown ...
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