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Winthrop Physical Therapy - Methow Valley, WA
Yoga is another excellent way to improve strength, flexibility and balance, and has the added benefit of calming the mind. Winthrop Fitness offers both ...
Winthrop Physical Therapy - Methow Valley, WA
Motion and position at the hip also are determinants of proper alignment and ... very specific hip exercises as the core to any serious strength program. ...
Winthrop Physical Therapy - Methow Valley, WA
We offer world class physical therapy featuring cutting edge treatments for overuse injuries including soft tissue problems like tendonitis and muscle pulls ... Show map of 202 White Ave, Winthrop, WA 98862
Winthrop Physical Therapy - Methow Valley, WA
Or How to lose those 7 vanity pounds preventing you from climbing 5.12 or biking the Alps. Or How not to ‘drink butter’ and lose weight ...
Winthrop Physical Therapy - Methow Valley, WA
Tedra adds a diverse set of interests to our staff as a dance instructor in jazz and tap at the LFW School of Dance. Chris Garner Yoga Instructor ...
Winthrop Physical Therapy - Methow Valley, WA
Colleen Ryan, DPT Physical Therapist. Colleen is the newest edition to our ... Her presence as Director of our yoga program is an inspiration to us all. ...
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