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Rails Logging - debian grimoire - Groups -
Rails can use many different logging libraries. If you want to pass on the logging responsibility to syslog, the library needed is called “SyslogLogger” ...
logistics - UW Tent City Project - Groups -
Tent City occupied a section of Seattle Universitys outdoor tennis courts, located a few blocks from the main campus on Cherry Street, between 13th and 14th ...
Virtual One Laptop Per Child - abie - People -
I’m trying to get the virtual one-laptop-per-child running on my one-laptop-per-privileged-person computer. It looks like it won’t be too difficult, ...
Cube Cola - database - Open Source Hardware Project - Groups ...
A UK spin on Open Cola formula. ... This site is run by, your friendly autonomous tech collective since 1999. ...
Basic Internet Usage - classes - RefEman - Refugees Emancipa ...
Basic Internet Usage. Browser and Internet ... Learn how to use the internet step-by-step in the BBC webwise online course. ! Exit Mozilla Firefox when your ...
1. Entry requirement: Attend two basic mechanics classes before ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML and learning how to make repairs when something goes awry. Earn-A-Bike at a glance: 1. Requirements. You attend two basic mechanics ...
Listings - Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh - Groups -
in Manchester on the 11th and 12th October. We thought it would be good to ... will open the 12th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair ...
Lab Outline - db-organizing-lab - Global Information Internsh ...
Outline. What is a database? Example of databases in organizing ... Students create a merge to send a thank you note to the attendees of the last ...
Automatically Mount Encrypted Home - debian grimoire - Groups ...
In this howto we will make it so your encrypted home directory will get automatically mounted and unmounted when you log in and out. There are many options, ...
Encrypted Swap - debian grimoire - Groups -
Look in /etc/fstab for what partitions are swap. In my case, it will be /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2. Comment these out and replace them with encrypted swap ...
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