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FEMA to Release Report on Texas A&M Bonfire Disaster
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced the release of a technical review of the emergency response to the 1999 Texas A&M University ...
Is a 'Fair' Tax in America's Future?
The proposed FairTax bill would abolish all federal income taxes, ... Is a 'Fair' Tax in America's Future? No more federal income tax... if bill passes ...
Is a 'Fair' Tax in America's Future?
The proposed FairTax bill would abolish all federal income taxes, death taxes, capital gains taxes, and payroll taxes and replace them with a national ...
Is a 'Fair' Tax in America's Future?
The proposed FairTax bill would abolish all federal income taxes, death taxes, capital gains taxes, and payroll taxes and replace them with a national ...
The Oath of U.S. Citizenship and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution
The United States Oath of Citizenship must be taken by all immigrants who wish to become naturalized citizens of the United States.
ICE Arrests 42 Illegal Immigrants at Dulles Airport
Aug 19, 2008 ... ICE Arrests 42 Illegal Immigrants at Dulles Airport.
Maryland Wants $12 Million to Protect Obama
In a letter to the star of the inauguration himself, the Maryland congressional delegation has asked President-elect Barak Obama to see to it that the ...
Obama May Let Real ID Act Just Fade Away
Jan 2, 2009 ... No doubt about it, Computerworld’s article Obama administration to inherit a real mess on Real ID is spot on, not to mention the even more ...
US Small Business to Get Help in Expanding to Global Markets
A new joint venture between two US government agencies will help American small businesses expand into global markets.
US Patent Office Museum Honors Ice Cream
WHAT: "Ice Cream: The Real Scoop" Grand Opening Reception. WHERE: Patent and Trademark Museum, United States Patent and Trademark Office 2121 Crystal Drive, ...
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