Translate Tabla into English | Spanish to English Translation
Tabla de juego -> gambling-house; Tabla de dibujo -> drawing board; Tabla de planchar -> ironing board; Tabla de multiplicar -> multiplication table ...
How to say Halibut in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
Translation of halibut from English to Spanish. Discuss halibutin the forum. Learn the definition of halibut.
Translate Tabla into English | Spanish to English Translation
tabla. tabla. feminine noun. 1. plank (de madera). tabla de planchar -> ironing board; tabla de saltos (sport) -> diving board (trampolín) ...
Translate Cámara into English | Spanish to English Translation
cámara de aire/gas -> air/gas chamber; cámara de combustión -> combustion chamber; cámara de descompresión -> decompression chamber ...
Translate Cama into English | Spanish to English Translation
Translation of cama from Spanish to English. Discuss camain the forum. ... cama de rayos UVA (under other bed) -> sunbed; cama turca -> divan bed ...
Translate Lado into English | Spanish to English Translation
el cine está a este lado de la calle -> the cinema is on this side of the ... mételo de lado -> put it in sideways; dormir de lado -> to sleep on one's side ...
How to say Foosball in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
1. fútbol (m) de mesa (Estados Unidos), futbolín (m) (español de España)metegol (m) (español de Argentina)taca-taca (m) (español de Chile)futbolito (m) ...
How to say Banana in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
Plátano, planta arbórea de gran tamaño que se cría en los países cálidos, ... de a bordo; Banana peel -> banana skin; Republic banana -> república banana o ...
How to say Hallway in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
Translation of hallway from English to Spanish. Discuss hallwayin the forum. Learn the definition of hallway.
Direct Object Pronouns | Spanish Reference
Direct Object Pronouns | Spanish Reference. ... In affirmative sentences with one simple verb, the direct object pronoun comes before the verb. ...