Fashion in the 1950s, Social and cultural features of the 1950s ... Movie star fashion influenced the clothing styles of ladies in the 1950s. Screen goddesses like Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly inspired tiny waistlines and ...
The Amazon – a tropical rainforest: fauna, HSIE, Flora and fauna ... In year 5 or 6 at school? HSIE homework/project/assignment? Visit us for facts on the Amazon rainforest. Find info here on fauna/animals in the Amazon ...
The Amazon – a tropical rainforest: fauna, HSIE, Flora and fauna ... In year 5 or 6 at school? HSIE homework/project/assignment? Visit us for facts on the Amazon rainforest. Find info here on fauna/animals in the Amazon ...
Talkies, An event in the 1920s, Australia between the wars: 1920s ... Talkies, An event in the 1920s, Australia between the wars: 1920s, History, Year 9, NSW Imagine a film with no computer-generated visual effects, ...
Jack Mundey: Green Bans, People and power, Power, people and ... Jack Mundey, born in 1929, played a key part in the history of both unionism ... large areas of The Rocks, Woolloomooloo and Centennial Park being preserved, ... An area of five hectares of urban bush (which remains today) was bought by ...
Fashion in the 1980s, Social and cultural features of the 1980s ... Fashion in the 1980s was bold and glitzy. Teenagers no longer dictated fashion .... values of the hippie era, and the shallow consumerism of the 1980s. ...
Fashion in the 1970s, Social and cultural features of the 1970s ... Fashion in the 1970s, Social and cultural features of the 1970s, Australia's social and cultural history in the post-war period, History, Year 9, ...
Fashion in the 1970s, Social and cultural features of the 1970s ... Fashion in the 1970s, Social and cultural features of the 1970s, Australia's social and cultural history in the post-war period, History, Year 9, ...
Fashion in the 1960s, Social and cultural features of the 1960s ... Fashion in the 1960s, Social and cultural features of the 1960s, Australia's social and cultural history in the post-war period, History, Year 9, ...
Fashion in the 1970s, Social and cultural features of the 1970s ... Fashion in the 1970s, Social and cultural features of the 1970s, Australia's social and cultural history in the post-war period, History, Year 9, ...