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ubuntuforums.org 1,008,396
discussion.forum.nokia.com 89,776
forum.java.sun.com 406,864
debuntu.org 7,396
forum.nokia.com 9,456
osdir.com 1,716,645
help.ubuntu.com 62,143
awstats.sourceforge.net 2,867
wiki.forum.nokia.com 10,831
howtoforge.com 102,762
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Organic Listing Variations
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Nokia SDK for Payment and ...
Learn about where to get the Nokia SDK for Payment and Ticketing, whether it will enable you to communicate over NFC, and how to use your Nokia 3220 as a ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog
I've moved the official site name from Daniel's Weblog to Daniel's NFC Development Weblog, since that really is what it's all about. ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Nokia releases JSR 257 implementation
Since the Nokia 6131 NFC supports the JSR 257 out-of-the-box, you could use this SDK with even your own 6131 phone to create NFC MIDlets! ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Nokia releases new 6131 NFC phone
The Nokia 6131 NFC is the first phone to enable Java developers to write MIDlets that can access functions according to the NFC Forum's specifications. ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Installing awstats on Ubuntu HOWTO
Just a question: if i've more than one domain in my virtual host conf file, how i should write in the awstats.conf at the line SiteDomain=""? Thank you ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Concatenating literal C++ strings
Yes, but they operate on variable, non-literal (not, illiterate) strings. Literal strings can easily be concatenated in the following manner: C++: ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Concatenating literal C++ strings
Yes, but they operate on variable, non-literal (not, illiterate) strings. Literal strings can easily be concatenated in the following manner: C++: ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Concatenating literal C++ strings
Yes, but they operate on variable, non-literal (not, illiterate) strings. Literal strings can easily be concatenated in the following manner: C++: ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Nokia SDK for Payment and ...
Learn about where to get the Nokia SDK for Payment and Ticketing, whether it will enable you to communicate over NFC, and how to use your Nokia 3220 as a ...
Daniel's NFC Development Weblog: Nokia SDK for Payment and ...
Learn about where to get the Nokia SDK for Payment and Ticketing, whether it will enable you to communicate over NFC, and how to use your Nokia 3220 as a ...
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