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Teachings From the Tabernacle · With the Goddess of Light
New ConneXion - Your best access to positive, holistic, alternative, community minded organization's and businesses in Oregon and Washington.
Wrist Pain
Surgery has its own pain and frequently does not take care of all the problem. In a great many cases the arm and wrist pain can be released quickly by a ...
How to Read Your Child's Palm (and Your Own)
The palm very often corresponds to the element of the child's birth sign. However, the palm's element is the summary of all the elemental qualities of the ...
Fatigued? Your Hormones May Be Out of Balance
Hormones and Fatigue. Your body has a daily rhythm that requires a certain level of production of DHEA and cortisol. These hormones help you maintain energy ...
Cilantro – the natural chelator
Cilantro – the natural chelator. by Dr. David G. Williams ... plant (cilantro) could accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body. ...
Natural Vision Improvement
He brings together the most effective elements of techniques from ancient to modern, and has designed a course for Natural Vision Improvement that works for ...
Teachings From the Tabernacle · With the Goddess of Light
New ConneXion - Your best access to positive, holistic, alternative, community minded organization's and businesses in Oregon and Washington.
Cayenne Pepper/Capsicum
Please note that taking one or two capsules of Capsicum is not going to do the trick. It might require seemingly large amounts (2 or 3 capsules 2 or 3 times ...
Sacred Man Flower
New ConneXion - Your best access to positive, holistic, alternative, community minded organization's and businesses in Oregon and Washington.
Boost Your Immune System for Wellness and Healing
Boost Your Immune System for Wellness and Healing. by Bryan Flournoy. As we age, the immune system picks up the pace on behalf of the body's decline in ...
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