Little Miss Muffin
Chicago's premier specialty wholesale bakery. 200 unique items, ranging from low fat to high fat. Changing the way people think about muffins and low fat ...
Little Miss Muffin :: Treats :: Original Rice Krispie Treats - Dozen
12 Original Rice Krispie Treats - Yes! These are the ones! Begin singing "Memories" now! Call Snap, Crackle and Pop, they will remember you!
Little Miss Muffin :: Pastries :: Chocolate Filled Croissants - Dozen
12 Chocolate Filled Croissants - Oh yes we did! C'mon, these two have waited too long not to be together. Total Fat: 21g Calories: 410 Sat.
Little Miss Muffin :: Pastries :: Cream Cheese Filled Croissants ...
12 Cream Cheese Filled Croissants - Cream cheese is not just for bagels! Open your mind, your tummy will thank you. Total Fat: 21g Calories: 390 Sat.
Little Miss Muffin :: Muffins :: Low Fat Blueberry Muffins - Dozen
12 Low Fat Blueberry Muffins- A traditional favorite tastes delightful with raspberry tea or a skimmed latte. Total Fat: 2g Calories: 307 Sat.
Little Miss Muffin
Chicago's premier specialty wholesale bakery. 200 unique items, ranging from low fat to high fat. Changing the way people think about muffins and low fat ...
Little Miss Muffin :: Cookies :: Lemon Puckers Thumbprint Cookies ...
Lemon Puckers Thumbprint cookies - Go ahead, try them out, you'll eventually pucker, we all do. Total Fat: 12g Calories: 230 Sat.
Little Miss Muffin :: Pastries :: White Chocolate Raspberry Scones ...
One Dozen White Chocolate Raspberry Scones - Yes, this is the mega-scone. The serious scone. The "scone of all scones". Look out - it's Sconezilla!
Little Miss Muffin :: Pastries :: White Chocolate Raspberry Scones ...
One Dozen White Chocolate Raspberry Scones - Yes, this is the mega-scone. The serious scone. The "scone of all scones". Look out - it's Sconezilla!
Little Miss Muffin :: Donuts :: Chocolate Sprinkle Donuts - Dozen
12 Chocolate Sprinkle Donuts - Sprinkles! That's right, sprinkles -- made of chocolate, you betcha! Chicago's premier specialty wholesale bakery.