The Moon
The rotation of the moon is, to some extent, a matter of definition, as it is not rotating with respect to us observers here on earth. ...
Quadratic Formula
The quadratic formula gives us the two solutions to quadratic equations like this: ax²+bx+c=0. The formula, using sqrt() for the (positive) square root: ...
The Moon
Well, the earth is moving around the sun from west to east. ... Solar System started out as a cloud of dust and gas, and it was rotating from west to east. ...
Did We Land Men On The Moon?
I admit that my essay did not prove that NASA put men on the Moon. .... is appropriate for shooting into the shade, just like you and I do here on Earth. ...
If the Earth Were a Cube
I received email complaining that I was going on an on about the earth being an oblate spheroid. Apparently that reader didn't think anyone should have any ...
Jim Loy's Bridge Software Review
Jim Loy's Bridge Software Review - part II ... RGB archives - A number of the shareware programs are available from the rgb (rec.games.bridge) FAQ archives: ...
Egyptian Gods
Khnum was the ram-headed god, who created human beings. ... Mont (Montu) - falcon or falcon-headed war god - with sun disc and double-plumed headdress ...
The Myst Series - by Rand Miller
In Myst, The Book Of Atrus (by Rand Miller, Robyn Miller, with David Wingrove), we have the story of Atrus and his father. They create worlds by writing ...
My Brain Is Open - by Bruce Schechter and The Man Who Loved Only ...
The shorter book, My Brain Is Open - by Bruce Schechter, gives a more complete picture of Erdos' personality, life, and work. The other book, The Man Who ...
Quantum Leap
We only see quantum leaps at the sub-atomic (or quantum) level. A sub-atomic particle (an electron, for example) can often go from A to B without passing ...