Japanorama's Japanese Cities Both the city and prefecture names are provided in English and Japanese kanji (Chinese characters). Price: US$5, Amazon Honor System ...
Japanorama: Japanese Names Japanese names consist of a family name, followed by a given name. In the West, Japanese names are normally written in the reverse order. ...
Kimigayo, Japan's National Anthem One of the world's oldest national anthems, Kimigayo (The Emperor's Reign), ... The lyrics are a tanka (5-line, 31-syllable poem) from the Kokinshu, ...
Japanorama: Japanese Names Japanese names consist of a family name, followed by a given name. In the West, Japanese names are normally written in the reverse order. ...
Japanorama: Japanese Address Formats Japanese cities usually are not laid out in a rectilinear grid, so the address system differs from those familiar to Westerners. ...
Japanorama: Japanese Address Formats To ensure delivery, be sure to use the correct, complete address. When sending mail within Japan, be sure to use your own postal code. Example: ...
Japanorama: Japanese Address Formats Japanese Address Formats. Japanese addresses reflect the primacy of the group in Japan ... The postal code, which is equivalent to the zip code in the U.S., ...
Kimigayo, Japan's National Anthem One of the world's oldest national anthems, Kimigayo (The Emperor's Reign), was adopted as the National Anthem of Japan in 1888. ...
Japanese Banknotes and Coins In late 1993, Japan began to circulate new yen bills that cannot be counterfeited on color copiers. To protect the ¥1000 and ¥10000 banknotes, the mint uses ...
Japanese Flags Hinomaru, Japan's national flag (364x254) Waving flag (64x50). WWII Flag of Japanese Navy & Army. Navy & Army battle flag (382x247) Burning battle flag ...