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Links to other Ghana related web sites
The following sites are related to Ghana and consist of organizations which represent various aspects of Ghanaian culture including history, language, ...
Ho-Asogli performs traditional drumming and dance of Ghana
Dr. W. Komla Amoaku, J.H. Kwabena Nketia, Frank Kobina Sam, Kwame Degbor, Kobla Ladzekpo, Dzidzogbe "Beatrice" Lawluvi, Yeko Ladzekpo-Cole, Dr. William Anku ...
Ho-Asogli member Kathie Zaccaria
... from the University of Ghana, Legon and Dr. Komla Amoaku from the National Theatre of Ghana as well as Frank Kobina Sam and Francis and Joe Dzormeku. ...
Links to other Ghana related web sites
The following sites are related to Ghana and consist of organizations which represent various aspects of Ghanaian culture including history, language, ...
Ho-Asogli performs traditional drumming and dance of Ghana
Led by John Flood, Ho-Asogli represents the traditional dances and drumming of various ethnic groups residing in West Africa, particularly Ghana.
Ho-Asogli performs traditional drumming and dance of Ghana
Led by John Flood, Ho-Asogli represents the traditional dances and drumming of various ethnic groups residing in West Africa, particularly Ghana.
Ga People of Ghana
This is a contemporary recreational dance of the Ga people. Artists from the National Theater of Ghana gave the music and choreography to John Flood during ...
Dagomba People of Ghana
The Dagomba, (Dagbani is the language group), live in the upper west region of Ghana and the neighboring country of Burkina Faso. They speak the Dagare and ...
Ewe People of Ghana
An Ewe drum ensemble at the funeral of Togbe Afede Asor II in Ho, Ghana ... The Ewe have a reputation for great drumming. Ewe believe that if someone is a ...
Ewe People of Ghana
An Ewe drum ensemble at the funeral of Togbe Afede Asor II in Ho, Ghana ... In general, Ewe drums are constructed like barrels with wooden staves and metal ...
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