GNOME hires Stormy Peters as Executive Director
Istanbul, Turkey, July 7, 2008: The GNOME Foundation today announced the hiring of Stormy Peters as Executive Director. Stormy, a well-known industry ...
Federico Mena Quintero - February 2008 Activity Log
Main :: Activity Log :: February 2008 .... You want to weigh your baby, but your bathroom scale doesn't have enough precision. What do you do? ...
GNOME press releases
The regional government of Extremadura, Spain has put 80000 computers in schools, loaded with GNOME, Linux and other open source software. ...
GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project
The GNOME project is proud to release this new version of the GNOME ... GNOME offers an easy to understand desktop for your GNU/Linux or UNIX computer. ...
Bitstream Vera Fonts README
Beta testers requested a tighter line spacing (less leading) and Jim Lyles redesigned Vera's accents to bring its line spacing to more typical of other ...
NetworkManager - Linux Networking made Easy
And since the NetworkManager components communicate with each other using dbus, it's easy to to build network-aware applications in languages like C, C++, ...
GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project
GNOME Hispano wins Best Initiative in Free Software Award ... GNOME offers an easy to understand desktop for your GNU/Linux or UNIX computer. ...
GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project
GNU Object Model Environment: Building a full, user-friendly desktop for Unix operating systems, based entirely on free software.
GTasklets: Python generator based pseudo-threads for PyGTK
The message 'quit' is used in this tasklet with the meaning that it should stop. ... [molenaar] Pseudo threads with generators and PyGTK/gnome-python. ...
ME <action>, sends the action to the current channel (actions are written in the 3rd person, like /me ...... Fiji. # ../src/common/util.c:915. ཕི་ཇི།. Falkland Islands ...... Private _Chat. # ../src/fe-gnome/userlist-gui.c:58 ...