Earthquakes Magnitude Scale and Classes
7.0 to 7.9, Major earthquake. Serious damage. ... Earthquakes are also classified in categories ranging from minor to ... Light, 4 - 4.9. Minor, 3 -3.9 ...
Earthquakes Magnitude Scale and Classes
Earthquake Magnitude Classes. Earthquakes are also classified in categories ranging from minor to great, depending on their magnitude. ...
How Are Earthquake Magnitudes Measured?
Using this scale, a magnitude 5 earthquake would result in ten times the level ... Richter originally proposed this way of measuring an earthquake's "size," ...
Earthquakes in the Midwestern and Eastern United States?!
A few areas of the midwestern and eastern United States are more prone to earthquakes than others. The most earthquake-prone areas include Charleston, ...
How Are Earthquakes Studied?
The term seismometer is also used to refer to the same device, ... When there is an earthquake, everything in the seismograph moves except the weight with ...
What Is Seismology and What Are Seismic Waves?
Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and around the earth. A seismologist is a scientist who studies earthquakes and ...
Geology and Earth Sciences Degrees
Pursue a degree with geology or earth science options.
How Do I Locate That Earthquake's Epicenter?
How Do I Locate That Earthquake's Epicenter? To figure out just where that earthquake happened, you need to look at your seismogram and you need to know ...
One of the greatest volcanic hazards is lahars. Lahars are similar to pyroclastic flows but contain ... To see some movies of lahars click on the following: ...
What Is Seismology and What Are Seismic Waves?
The first kind of surface wave is called a Love wave, named after A.E.H. Love, a British mathematician who worked out the mathematical model for this kind ...