File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Black on White is a translation of a Swedish book, Svart på vitt. Röster och vittnesmål om elöverkänslighet by Rigmor Granlund-Lind and John Lind. ...
Electrosensitivity - How Dangerous Is Your Mobile Phone?
Is your mobile phone dangerous? Nobody knows for sure. The scientists downplay the risk, but the cell phone story is a thriller: - Todays knowledge could be ...
Electrosensitivity - How Dangerous Is Your Mobile Phone?
Is your mobile phone dangerous? Nobody knows for sure. The scientists downplay the risk, but the cell phone story is a thriller: - Todays knowledge could be ...
Cell Tower in Maine Defeated
May 25, 2000 ... Subject: Judge rules againest cell tower in Maine (Knight).. .......Guru says: It is going to be extremely difficult for any federal judge ...
EMFguru 6-96, The Infamous PBS Documentary
Thus their representation in the public debates which follow is often poorly funded, or -- as in the case of the Omaha ladies shown in the PBS production ...
Electrosensitivity - ERROR MESSAGE Bridlewood Link out of date
http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/Sunday-Times/frontpage.html?999. Health board urges ban on mobile phone masts... The Sunday Times ...
Electrosensitivity - ERROR MESSAGE Bridlewood Link out of date
http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/Sunday-Times/frontpage.html?999. Health board urges ban on mobile phone masts... The Sunday Times ...
Bridlewood Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Information Service
"Schools may become the next battleground in the EMF (electromagnetic fields) conflict. .... In an article in the December 7, 1992 issue of the New Yorker, ...
EMFguru 8-96, Our stolen future (or Hormone Disruption by EMF?)
Of all the research conclusions that have been offered about the effects of EMF exposure upon human health, perhaps none is more widely accepted by the ...
EMF/EMR Reduces Melatonin
Sep 2, 2000 ... In Professor Reiter’s book, published in 1995, he describes the evidence that EMR/EMF does reduce melatonin as a "Smoking Gun" level of ...