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Eyelash perm and tint - PermanentMakeup
Apply a small amount of Vaseline around the eyebrows (for eyebrow tinting) and/ or on the upper and lower eyelids for lash tinting using a Q-tip. ...
Eyelash perm and tint - PermanentMakeup
Squeeze ¼ inch of lash tint into pigment cap (provided in kit) or small glass or plastic dish. Mix 3 drops of Oxidant, stir until creating a smooth paste. ...
Eyelash perm and tint - PermanentMakeup
Colors choices are: Black, Blue/Black and Brown. This eyelash tint is extremely successful and currently is used in over 20 countries.
Eyelash perm and tint instructions and supplies - ez permanent makeup
Nov 25, 2008 ... 48 application kit. SALE SALE SALE $25.00 8 application kit ... This product is made just for the eyelash (perm), don't confuse this product ...
Eyelash perm and tint - PermanentMakeup
Because the perms softens lash cuticle, tints take better and last longer. Tell client to keep their eyes closed during the whole tinting process. ...
Lash and Brow Tint
Lash & Brow Tint · Tinting Instructions ... Lasts for weeks; Easy to use; Choice of Black, Blue/Black or Brown; Good for lashes and brows ...
Eyelash perm and tint - PermanentMakeup
Our eyelash tint is a non-toxic dye produced from plant and vegetable extracts. Each tube of dye is 20 grams in size, which equates to 60 effective ...
Eyelash perm and tint instructions
Clean area with warm water, for best results, allow 10 minutes for eye area to completely dry before beginning the perming procedure. ...
Eyelash perm and tint instructions and supplies - ez permanent makeup
Nov 25, 2008 ... Offering kits for eyelash perms and pash and pBrow tinting. Detailed instructions.
Eyelash perm and tint - PermanentMakeup
If client is planning a lash perm, the tint procedure must always follow the perming procedure. Because the perms softens lash cuticle, tints take better ...
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