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How halogen cooktops (hobs) work: A simple introduction from ...
Dec 30, 2008 ... Halogen cooktops give you the clean convenience of electric cooking with all the speed and power of gas. They make heat with a bright burst ...
How halogen cooktops (hobs) work: A simple introduction from ...
Dec 30, 2008 ... An easy-to-understand explanation of how ceramic halogen hobs cook more quickly with infrared light.
How halogen cooktops (hobs) work: A simple introduction from ...
Dec 30, 2008 ... An easy-to-understand explanation of how ceramic halogen hobs cook more quickly with infrared light.
How halogen cooktops (hobs) work: A simple introduction from ...
Dec 30, 2008 ... An easy-to-understand explanation of how ceramic halogen hobs cook more quickly with infrared light.
How quartz watches and clocks work: A simple introduction from ...
Dec 7, 2006 ... The opposite is also true: if you pass electricity through quartz, it vibrates at a precise frequency (it shakes about an exact number of ...
How quartz watches and clocks work: A simple introduction from ...
Dec 7, 2006 ... An easy-to-understand introduction to quartz watches and clocks, ... Through a see-saw mechanism called an escapement, the pendulum forces ...
How quartz watches and clocks work: A simple introduction from ...
Dec 7, 2006 ... Tiny quartz oscillator from inside a quartz watch. Quartz sounds exotic, but it's actually one of the most common minerals on Earth. ...
How reed switches work (simple electrical switches operated by ...
Feb 6, 2009 ... Opening the door would separate the magnet and the reed switch, causing the switch's contacts to spring together and trigger the alarm. ...
How linear motors work: An introduction from Explain that Stuff!
Jun 28, 2007 ... As the platform rides above the track on a cushion of air, ... it is possible to make one magnet levitate (float) above another one using ...
How typewriters work: A simple introduction from Explain that Stuff!
Jun 2, 2008 ... If I said "QWERTYUIOP", would you know what I was talking about? Well, if you've ever used a typewriter or personal computer, ...
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