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Employment Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA Law & Legal Definition
Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 USC 201 et seq. (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and ...
Gambling Law & Legal Definition
State laws on illegal gambling activity vary by state and often include offenses for ... Request a legal definition! Submit a term you need defined. ...
Lady Bird Deed Law & Legal Definition
A "Lady Bird" deed is a nickname for an enhanced life state deed. It is named after Lady Bird Johnson, because allegedly President Johnson once used this ...
Lady Bird Deed Law & Legal Definition
A "Lady Bird" deed is a nickname for an enhanced life state deed. ... designed instrument that is only available in a few states, including Florida. ...
Qualified Medical Child Support Order QMCSO Law & Legal Definition
A qualified medical child support order is a court order used to enforce an order ... Can′t find the form you need, or need a form we offer revised for your ...
Qualified Settlement Fund Law & Legal Definition
A qualified settlement fund (QSF) is defined under 26 USC 468B, as a fund, ... The Settlement Fund Administrator pays taxes quarterly and files the annual ...
Obstruction of Justice Law & Legal Definition
Obstruction of justice is an attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers.
Obstruction of Justice Law & Legal Definition
Obstruction of justice is an attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers.
Quantum Meruit Law & Legal Definition
There are three main situations where entitlement to payment on a quantum meruit basis is most likely to arise:. Where the parties to a contract fail to ...
Warranty Law Law & Legal Definition
Although a seller cannot disclaim an express warranty, he can disclaim implied warranties. .... Request a legal definition! Submit a term you need defined. ...
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