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Organic Listing Variations
Basic Model of the Atom - Introduction to Atoms
Basic Model of the Atom. Introduction to Atoms ... which include protons, neutrons, and electrons, but an atom is a basic chemical building block of matter. ...
Periodic Table of the Elements
This is an interactive periodic table of the elements or periodic chart of the chemical elements. Click on an element symbol on the periodic table to ...
Elementary Physical Science Fair Project Ideas
If you add salt to the water, the egg will start to float. ... 7th Grade Science Fair Projects - Science Fair Project Ideas for 7th Grader. ...
Saccharin Chemical Structure
Saccharin Chemical Structure. ... Saccharin or benzoic sulfinide is an artificial sweetener. ... The molecular formula for saccharin is C7H5NO3S. ...
Most Abundant Element
The chemical composition of the earth is quite a bit different from that of the universe. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen, ...
Compound Names Chemistry Quiz
Compound Names Chemistry Quiz: multiple choice test chemistry quiz chemistry quizzes ionic compounds mineral chemistry.
Chemistry of Molecules & Compounds - Facts and Information
Functional Groups - Organic Chemistry Essentials These are the names and ... This is a good introduction to the study of compounds and stoichiometry. ...
Science and Chemistry Images, Clip Art, & Structures
Images, clipart, photos, and graphics are provided for science equipment, equations, ... strange, or silly names. Photo Gallery - Nobel Prize in Chemistry ...
Online Calculators & Conversion Tables
This is a table of conversion factors to convert various units to their SI equivalents. It is not intended for people who prefer to use cgs or English units ...
Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
Examples of Endothermic and Exothermic Processes. Photosynthesis is an example of an endothermic chemical reaction. In this process, plants use the energy ...
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