Burningbird | SnagIt Equivalent for Mac
Aug 10, 2007 ... The maker of Snagit has released a new software or rather a "project" that you can use on Mac as well called Jing. Read more here: ...
Burningbird | The Jena 6
Secondly, where do you get off calling the six boys a gang? There has been no evidence that these boys were a gang. That just shows how small-minded you are ...
Burningbird | Welcome Fall
Welcome Fall. September 23rd, 2007. maple leaf Happy first day of Fall. Oh, how wonderful to think this miserable summer is drawing to a close. ...
Burningbird | How I Got My Harry Potter Book
"In the book Harry Potter…GACK! gAck!" The ends of the taser stuck out of the delivery man's chest like horns from some mythical beast. ...
Burningbird | Sensor Cleaning Warning on D300, Canon
Dec 10, 2007 ... A lot of people cling to the "you're not cleaning the sensor itself" .... fleck of dust on the sensor of my Digital Rebel XT (I know, ...
Burningbird | NEF Workflow
Of course, PhotoShop CS has more than just the capability of working with NEF files, and it can handle the entire workflow directly — but while I spend the ...
Burningbird | With Appreciation
Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street was spot on with CSS, issues related to accessibility, as well as general markup and page design. ...
Burningbird | Of Found Gold and Ghost Orchids
Mar 17, 2004 ... We all have our desired Ghost Orchids and, damn it, we need them. ... to find The Orchid Thief at my city library, and the movie Adaption at ...
Burningbird | The Jena 6
In the case of the Jena 6, the most glaring example is the belief this white boy did something to diserve being attacked by 7 black kids. ...
Burningbird | The Jena 6
The responsible position for the black community to hold here would be that the Jena 6 were wrong and they should have to pay for their hate crime (which is ...