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cleaning a Nalgene [Archive] - Bluelight
I've seen a Nalgege shattered in the road. I imagine a fast moving truck or big SUV did the damage. I was also under the impression that Nalgene bottles ...
A few pills in my area and what is a strong guess what is in them ...
1 post - 1 authorA few pills in my area and what is a strong guess what is in them Pill ... Yellow ladies - These are by far my favorite type I've had so far is not as ...
Guess whos in rehab with my girlfriend.... [Archive] - Bluelight
49 postsI'm kinda curious, you said she was addicted to 'nerve pills'...does anyone know what these are? sugar, do you know any specific names of the pills? ...
Pill Info Request - Green/Blue Apple Mac - Brisbane/Gold Coast ...
Pill Info Request - Green/Blue Apple Mac - Brisbane/Gold Coast Australian Drug ... Join Date: Sep 2001. Posts: 9663. now can i tell you to get a new dealer ...
Anyone enjoy being depressed? [Archive] - Bluelight
50 posts - Last post: Sep 5, 2005[Archive] Anyone enjoy being depressed? The Dark Side.
What chemical is in good pills. Was: The chase for that perfect ...
24 posts - 17 authorsI know that press does not mean anything and two identical pills can have completely different contents but the lady pills are known to have mda/caffeine ...
Permanant tattoos of kids names or loved ones. [Archive] - Bluelight
50 postsBut, I see nothing wrong with say, getting a loved one's name or initials tattooed on you in remembrance (like if your mother died, and you got her name ...
how can I get an adderall prescription? - Bluelight
9 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Aug 9, 2002Is it possible for me to take a test w/ a doctor for ADD or ADHD and fake it so it looks like I need adderall? ...
PERTH: Possible "fake" pill: Blue Diamond [Archive] - Bluelight
14 posts - Last post: Nov 12, 2003Howdy folks, Perhaps with all this talk of a fake second batch of the blue diamonds, has anyone considered that there may be pills of ...
Whats the best way to kill yourself - Bluelight
25 posts - 16 authors - Last post: Apr 11, 2006Whats the best way to kill yourself Archive - TDS. ... Dont kill yourself man these feeling's will pass. Ive thought about killing myself ...
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