Accra 1996 Promotion of African Languages in Education
Presentation of the Draft Charter for the Promotion of African Languages in Education (Accra 1996) for readers of the Bisharat! web site. ...
Machine (computer) translation for Africa / Traduction automatique ...
- [ Translate this page ]Omniglot - On-Line Translation: www.omniglot.com/links/translation.htm ... Machine Translation of African Languages, University of Maryland - Eastern Shore ...
Afro-Arabic Symbols
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat written under the letter. slanting “alif” over “ya” (with or without diacritical dots). symbol used as "vowel carrier"
Bisharat! A12N gateway / Portail A12N
Working group on African languages and ICT - focus on collating and presenting information on Unicode references for special characters used in African ...
IIALC 1930, Practical Orthography of African Languages
This fact proves that the problem of finding a practical and uniform method of writing African languages has aroused widespread interest, ...
Unicode Symbols for Bambara special characters / Symbols Unicode ...
The table format and some text for this page is borrowed from the very helpful presentation on "Unicode Symbols for Wolof Special Characters" formerly at ...
Bamako 1979 - Final Report
Presentation of the final report of the Bamako 1979 meeting for readers of the Bisharat! web site. Return to Basic Documents. View the French version. ...
Bisharat! A12N gateway / Portail A12N
(Macintosh only.) / Ensemble de polices pour l'usage avec des langues du Moyen-Orient translitérées en caractères latins. Apparemment il peut également être ...
Bisharat! A12N gateway / Portail A12N
Encodage, polices, et claviers pour langues africaines: groupes de discussion et .... Ensemble de polices pour l'usage avec des langues du Moyen-Orient ...
Upgrade notice -- SiteAdmin group
This version of PmWiki expects several administrative pages from the Site group to be found in a new SiteAdmin group. On this site, the following pages ...