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UNLV Classroom Policies: Fall, 2007
To review the Faculty Senate policy detailing when Saturday classes are ... 3) UNLV faculty do not make sales directly to students; and 4) published books ...
Hal Berghel, Information Warfare, Informatics 345, Spring, 2009
Tests will include two or three hour-exams and a final exam, .... DNS, FTP, Telnet, client-server computing, peet-to-peer computing, telnet, remote login ...
Credit Card Forensics
Local law enforcement was not used to seeing so many hotel room keys on anyone. But after the credit card information was discovered, the proverbial light ...
Disk Wiping by any Other Name
Mar 20, 2006 ... If a disk wiping utility obliterates all of the unallocated space it will, .... PGP Shred and PGP Wipe are utilities within PGP Desktop ...
Credit Card Forensics
Tthere was a burgeoning industry in this form of credit card fraud, with well-organized ... 7, 3, service code, 101. 8, 5, PIN Verification Value, 51395 ...
Disk Wiping by any Other Name
Mar 20, 2006 ... Free space wipe; 3 pass wipe; directory structure wipe. File names changed to “0x00”; Alternate data stream names; Small files stored in ...
Disk Wiping by any Other Name
Mar 20, 2006 ... The MFT records are themselves rather flexible, having resident and ... Remember that the disk wiping utilities typically wipe all ...
Hal Berghel, Information Warfare, Informatics 345, Spring, 2009
or with our office staff at 895-5533 ( ... The current UNLV policies that govern instruction are posted on the website of the The ...
Anonymizing the Net: Sanitizing Packets for Fun and Profit
The answer is that the anonymizing service becomes the man-in-the-middle. Under one design, all traffic between the client browser and the 'anonymizer' ...
Credit Card Forensics
Legally, knowing *that* there is credit card information on a hotel room key .... stripe would have prevented the problem from arising in the first place. ...
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