Bankelele: Old Mutual Toboa
Old Mutual Kenya has launched the Toboa Investment Plan which costs just .... to fill the following vacancies within our Information Technology Division. ...
Bankelele: KCB Dodges Triton Bullet?
KCB is now Kenya’s largest bank by bank assets and group assets, though Barclays still has a much larger book of loans and deposits, as well as higher ...
Bankelele: Telkom's Revenge?
As it is Flashcom is 3kshs/minute http://www.flashcom.co.ke/tariffs.html. What they do not have (And telcom is busy trying to protect) is market share. ...
Bankelele: Bank Rankings: June 2006
Bank Rankings: June 2006. Tier 1 (Assets over 25 billion shillings) .... Family Finance 3.9 billion assets, (and would be the 30th largest bank in Kenya at ...
Bankelele: Bank Rankings: June 2006
Bank Rankings: June 2006. Tier 1 (Assets over 25 billion shillings) .... Family Finance 3.9 billion assets, (and would be the 30th largest bank in Kenya at ...
Bankelele: 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
The closing date for submitting expressions of interest is March 27. Education Opportunities ..... Apply to helb@helb.co.ke by March 28. Corporate briefs ...
Bankelele: 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
The closing date for submitting expressions of interest is March 27. ... The IPO will also bring banks a few million shilling in the form of banker’s cheques that must be ..... Apply to helb@helb.co.ke by March 28. Corporate briefs ...
Bankelele: Kenya Insurance 2007 Rankings
AIG Kenya Insurance 2337 (217) General Accident Insurance 2192 (216) Cannon Assurance 2163 (60) First Africa Assurance 1781 (103) Apollo Insurance 1774 ...
Bankelele: Call centers come to Kenya
I’d like to salute KenCall – a new call center company that has been set up in Kenya. With our large educated English-speaking population, and our time zone ...
Bankelele: Bank Jobs
At Kenya Commercial Bank: applicants must have at least 3 years financial management .... Kenyan Jobs: A Collection of Jobs in Kenya :: Kenya Jobs ...