Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (TV series) - SCIFIPEDIA Sabrina, The Teenage Witch is a 1996 sitcom based on the Sabrina, the Teenage Witch comics. The series starred Melissa Joan Hart as young witch Sabrina ...
Robert Rodriguez - SCIFIPEDIA Robert Sacha Rodriguez (b. June 20, 1968 San Antonio, Texas) is an American screenwriter, director, and producer well known for his work on the 2005 film ...
Campbell Black - SCIFIPEDIA Campbell Black (1944 Glasgow, Scotland) is a Scottish author. Black attended Sussex University where he earned his BA. He traveled to the United States and ...
Minnesota Iceman - SCIFIPEDIA The Minnesota Iceman could have served to refute one of the most common arguments against the reality of hairy bipeds, such as Bigfoot or the Abominable ...
Blood Ties (TV series) - SCIFIPEDIA Mar 11, 2007 ... Blood Ties is a Canadian TV series broadcast in the US on Lifetime. The series is based on the Blood Books by Tanya Huff. ...
Lwaxana Troi - SCIFIPEDIA Lwaxana the mother of Deanna Troi and is a daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed, the Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, and Heir to the Holy Rings of ...
A Subway Named Mobius - SCIFIPEDIA "A Subway Named Mobius" is a 5000-word short story by A. J. Deutsch, about a subway car that mysteriously disappears. The story was first published in the ...
I, Lucifer (movie) - SCIFIPEDIA Nov 17, 2008 ... I, Lucifer is a 2009 film based on the novel of the same name by Glen Duncan. Daniel Craig portrays the title character Lucifer, the devil. ...
Quantum Leap - SCIFIPEDIA In the Quantum Leap pilot, "Genesis," Sam must cope with his amnesia and pretend to be Tom Stratton while Al and the project scientists look for a way to ...
Quantum Leap - SCIFIPEDIA Quantum Leap, a science fiction television show created by Donald P. Bellisario, aired on NBC for five .... The Leap Between the States - September 20, 1862 ...