How Useful are Neutral Genetic Markers in Conservation ...
Conservation geneticists use putatively neutral genetic markers, like microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA, to identify genetically ...
What is Ecology? « Salamander Candy
What is ecology? The word ecology was originally coined by the German zoologist ... What they mean to say is that they would like to support the ... however, ecology itself does not dictate whether clear-cutting an old ...
Organisms that are Totally Sweet! #1: Horned Lizards « Salamander ...
If sufficiently pissed off, some horned lizards can shoot a jet of blood several feet from sinuses in the corners of their eyes. ...
Peter and Rosemary Grant are my new best friends « Salamander Candy
The book, awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1995, is about the research of Peter and Rosemary Grant, biologists who have been studying the ...
Salamander Candy
The Salamander Candy crew would like to encourage you to participate in Earth Hour ... I have just returned from two weeks in Costa Rica, one of the world’s ...
Salamander Candy
Lungless salamanders and caecilians are well known, but no other lungless tetrapod has ever been described. Amphibians accomplish a lot of gas exchange over ...
Amphibians Brave the Perilous Road « Salamander Candy
Amphibians Brave the Perilous Road. Last night was another of those oh-so-perfect amphibian nights: rainy and about 50°F. Flashlights and ...
Mendel’s Garden #9: Gene-gle Bells Edition « Salamander Candy
Three reasons why you should go visit Salamander Candy to read this edition of Mendel’s Garden #9: Gene-gle Bells Edition. ...
Genetically modified organisms Part 2: Pros and Cons « Salamander ...
Mar 20, 2006 ... Genetically modified organisms Part 2: Pros and Cons. There are numerous concerns regarding the usage of GMOs and most of them can be lumped ...
Ebola: Gorilla Killa’ « Salamander Candy
An article in this week’s issue of Science reports that Ebola is wiping out thousands of gorillas. A story like this makes it into Science because gorillas ...