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beliefnet.com 69,157
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Introduction to the theories of origins
Introduction: terminology, details of various theories; age of the Earth .... Young earth creation scientists comprise a near majority of the public but ...
Estimates of the age of the earth
... with the seven-day account specified in one of the Bible's creation stories. .... Old-Earth or Young-Earth Belief?," Creation, Vol. ...
ReligiousTolerance.org on Evolution and Creationism
beleifs about origins of life, the Earth, and the rest of the universe, ... Comparison of the Bible's creation stories with modern-day science ...
Violence at US Abortion Clinics
Some view an abortion clinic as the ethical equivalent of a Nazi death camp. ..... such as photos, home addresses, names of children and wives. ...
Exodus 22:18 and Wicca/Witchcraft
Exodus 22:18 in 19 English translations of the Bible: ... So Exodus 22:18 can hardly be referring to Wiccans. horizontal rule ...
Transferring sin: Exodus 20:5
From the King James Version of the Bible:. Exodus 20:5: Tthou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, the Lord thy God am a jealous God, ...
Transferring sin: Exodus 20:5
Exodus 20:5: Tthou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, ... The NIV translators, faithful to their principles of translation, ...
Demonic posession and exorcism
There is no consensus in North America about the existence of indwelling evil spirits, and effectiveness of exorcism:. horizontal rule ...
Religions of the world: numbers of adherents; growth rates
Many individuals and religious groups have much more strict definitions for ... Names of the places of worship and English titles by which local leaders are ...
Legal aspects of faith healing
3 The House later endorsed a compromise faith healing bill that allows defendants to ... By refusing to review the case, the court let the judgment stand. ...
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