Two Lovely Halictid Bees
While bumblebees are more commonly seen visiting tomato blossoms, Halictids are thought to be more efficient pollinators of tomatoes. ...
The presence of small quantities of ragweed pollen in honey may be the reason that some folks find allergy relief from honey. ...
What's Buzzin' in My Garden
What's Buzzin' in My Garden? "I don't know a bee from a wasp, a hornet, or a yellow jacket." (These are pictures from the eastern USA, your garden may have ...
Alternative Pollinators
The effects of honey bee and bumble bee pollination of fruit set and abortion of cucumber and watermelon ... Raising Orchard Mason Bees - Arizona Fact Sheet ...
What's Buzzin' in My Garden
"I don't know a bee from a wasp, a hornet, or a yellow jacket." (These are pictures from the eastern USA, your garden may have different species. ... Though rarely seen by most gardeners, you will learn to identify the queen if you keep ...
What's Buzzin' in My Garden
"I don't know a bee from a wasp, a hornet, or a yellow jacket." ... Though rarely seen by most gardeners, you will learn to identify the queen if you keep ...
Bees for Sale
I would be looking for a Queen and a 3 lb package of bees. ... Georgia or Northern Florida: Wanted to buy 20 to 40 bee hives for pickup in March-April 2004, ...
What's Buzzin' in My Garden
What's Buzzin' in My Garden? "I don't know a bee from a wasp, a hornet, or a yellow jacket." (These are pictures from the eastern USA, your garden may have ...
Gallery of Flower Visitors, and Other Interesting Stuff
Movie File: polistes wasp queen starting nest (offsite; use back button to return ... Poul Beckmann's beetle photos some good guys, some bad...gorgeous pics ...
What's Buzzin' in My Garden
"I don't know a bee from a wasp, a hornet, or a yellow jacket." (These are pictures from the eastern USA, .... Photos of many hymenopteran species MN ...