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Cafe/Bar « Pillings Lock Marina
I visited Pillings Lock cafe bar for the first time on Saturday, .... Maria, Chris, Paul, Carol and John worked so hard to ensure the waiting service was ...
Cafe/Bar « Pillings Lock Marina
I visited Pillings Lock cafe bar for the first time on Saturday, and was so impressed that I have been recommending it to all my friends. ...
Berths & Prices « Pillings Lock Marina
You can secure a berth by sending us a 25% deposit cheque payable to “Pillings Lock Marina Clients A/c” along with a completed ...
Berths & Prices « Pillings Lock Marina
You can secure a berth by sending us a 25% deposit cheque payable to “Pillings Lock Marina Clients A/c” along with a completed ...
Location « Pillings Lock Marina
Both Village centres of Barrow Upon Soar and Quorn are under 1.5 miles from the marina gates by foot. There is a regular bus service running to Loughborough ...
Berths & Prices « Pillings Lock Marina
Hi im looking for moorings for a 60ft Narrowboat are the pontoons the full lenght of the boat and could you tell me how much it would cost to moor. Thanks. ...
Berths & Prices « Pillings Lock Marina
Our annual berths offer great value for money and we have pledged to keep costs fair to attract the right kind of boater. You can secure a berth by sending ...
Berths & Prices « Pillings Lock Marina
Your Annual Berth rate applicable to your first year is determined by our advertised rates at the time we receive your deposit. Our prices are reviewed on ...
Weds 11th March 2009 - Berth Holders Meeting! « Pillings Lock Marina
Weds 11th March 2009 - Berth Holders Meeting! March 6, 2009 at 2:08 pm | In Uncategorized |. Sorry to spring this at quite short notice but we do have some ...
Eureauweb Water-way Software « Pillings Lock Marina
Eureauweb Water-way Software. January 26, 2009 at 3:48 pm | In Uncategorized |. Mike Kelly from Eureauweb popped into the office today to tell us about his ...
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