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The Paradox of Democracy
The Paradox of Democracy. A textbook of politics usually mentions the following as a defect of democracy: Democracy operates under majority rule, ...
Are Speculators Harmful?
Are Speculators Harmful? Speculation is investment in the hope of capital gain ... Here the beauty contest means such as to put the choice of beauties, ...
Why is the Pronoun "I" necessary?
The usage of the pronoun I is not innate but acquired. At first, Infants use their proper names to refer to themselves. It is so difficult to master the ...
What is an Element?
On the other hand, the element of information system seems logically clear: bit. Bit is an abbreviation for binary digit, which is consisting of 0 and 1. ...
The Difference between Anxiety and Fear
The Difference between Anxiety and Fear. Anxiety and fear are similar feelings that we have of danger, but they are not the same. ...
The Difference between Anxiety and Fear
The Difference between Anxiety and Fear. Anxiety and fear are similar feelings that we have of danger, but they are not the same. ...
What is Feminism?
People who confuses feminism with egalitarianism have missed the conspiracy of feminism. I will clarify why feminism does not liberate women by ...
The Law of Entropy
The energy of the universe is constant. The second law is the principle of maximum entropy. The entropy in an isolated system does not decrease. ...
The Requisites for the defacto Standard
The defacto standard is an in fact public standard that the market mechanism has selected, while such a standard is called the dejure standard that becomes ...
The Best Energy Source
To sum up, methane power generation is clean, inexhaustible and economically reasonable, the best alternative energy sources. I am sorry that Japan, ...
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