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Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
Elizabeth wore a pelican jewel in several state portraits to remind the English of her equally selfless love. Many visitors have asked where I found the ...
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
Along with Hilliard's equally famous 'Phoenix Portrait', this picture shows the growing stylization of images of the queen. Such stylization reached its ...
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I abound, particularly from the later years of her reign. Elizabeth was perhaps the first monarch to understand the importance ...
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
'Elizabeth R': Elizabeth's signature as Queen of England, 1587. This signature was scanned from the execution warrant for Mary, queen of Scots. ...
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
2 June 2006 I have posted three new portraits of Queen Elizabeth. .... The crown and globe tell us that Elizabeth is mistress of land and sea. ...
Portraits of Queen Mary I: Born 1516, Ruled 1553-1558
This portrait was once assumed to be of Queen Mary I, but a 20th century exhibition supposedly put that assumption to rest. Full-length portraits from this ...
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
Both were given as gifts to Queen Katharine Parr, Henry VIII's last wife and .... In 1587, a year before this portrait was made, the first English child was ...
Tudor England: Images: Portraits of the Tudor monarchs and their ...
Includes collection of portraits, including important related figures.
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
2 June 2006 I have posted three new portraits of Queen Elizabeth. ... She produced numerous miniature portraits, particularly of the young Queen Elizabeth. ...
Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), with commentary
She produced numerous miniature portraits, particularly of the young Queen Elizabeth. Please note that the following portraits are attributed to Teerlinc; ...
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