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MEZ sewing threads
The long journey from a regional enterprise to a world-renowned firm.
Opti zip fasteners
As the largest German zip manufacturer Coats GmbH fulfils all the requirements of the market today:2000 zip fasteners in various types, lengths and colours. ...
Site map - Coats thread and Opti zips
The website of Coats, the worldwide largest supplier of industry threads and zip-fasteners.
Opti zip fasteners
Historical development of the zip fastener and the location Rhauderfehn.
- [ Translate this page ]Wir halten zusammen - Reißverschlüsse von Opti. Wir produzieren patentierte Reißverschlüsse für höchste Ansprüche!
MEZ sewing threads
MEZ sewing threads. The long journey from a regional enterprise to a world-renowned firm. The years of foundation - Kandern ...
Opti zip fasteners
1985: Completely new technology for the production of zip fasteners was invented, the S-Technology (woven plastic spiral zip fastener). ...
Coats Opti zips - Contacts for zip fastener range in Rhauderfehn
Your contact persons of Central Europe. For Germany please use our postal zip code search: Germany - Coats Opti Germany GmbH, Rhauderfehn plant ...
Opti zip fasteners
Eventually in 1893 W.L. Judson made a patent application. ... This replaced the hooks and eyes principle patented by W.L.Judson. ...
MEZ sewing threads
1828: In a rented area in Geberau (Freiburg) Carl Mez designs a silk throw machine, with which a sequential thread can be thrown for the first time. ...
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