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Scott Nichols | Elegant Code
I am Scott Nichols I live work and play in the Boise Valley in south west Idaho and love it, nice place to raise a family which I have been doing since ...
Refactoring a Switch statement | Elegant Code
Switch, select, case, really long if statement...whatever the cause, when they get too long they all become unmanageable. Overly long switch statements do.
What I Really, Really, Really Like About Using Fluent NHibernate ...
Reusable Mappings Something that slightly bothered me with the XML mappings of NHibernate, is the fact that some things need to be configured over and over.
Irritating Behavior on iGoogle Bookmarks | Elegant Code
Google Bookmarks is a no-brainer application. To have all of your bookmarks available via your Google Toolbar is great because you get the same set of.
SketchPath XPath Editor | Elegant Code
Nov 13, 2008 ... As I searched online for tools this time, I stumbled across SketchPath. ... analysis and testing tool supporting XPath 1.0 and XPath 2.0. ...
Inline XML Code Documentation using Sandcastle | Elegant Code
NET assemblies and their associated XML comment files. ... Inline XML Code Documentation using Sandcastle - Scott Nichols gathers together a collection of ...
VMWare Fusion vs. Parallels | Elegant Code
In the spirit of full disclosure, this post is a direct result of a previous post I made on falling back in love with my MacBook Pro. What happened is.
VMWare Fusion vs. Parallels | Elegant Code
In the spirit of full disclosure, this post is a direct result of a previous post I made on falling back in love with my MacBook Pro. What happened is.
VMWare Fusion vs. Parallels | Elegant Code
VMWare Fusion vs. Parallels. Posted on March 15th, 2008 by David Starr .... It would seem Fusion cannot offer me more for my needs than Parallels can ...
VMWare Fusion vs. Parallels | Elegant Code
In the spirit of full disclosure, this post is a direct result of a previous post I made on falling back in love with my MacBook Pro. What happened is.
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The Keyword Search
This will let you enter terms and key phrases in the search bar such as “send flowers”, “cover letters”, “keyword software,” and even a single broad term like “chocolate”.

The Ad Copy Search
This allows you to enter any texts or content included in an ad copy, whether the ones in ad copy headline or the ones in description lines. For example: “sunglasses”.
The Destination URL Search
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The destination URL is the address where a searcher is taken when an advertisement copy in search engines is clicked. Please take note that the destination URL differs from the display URL which appears at the bottom of advertisement copies.

Please be reminded to always include http:// at the beginning of your Destination URL search. For example: “”.

In addition, if you want to find all the ads that KeywordSpy indexed for a specific affiliate network e.g. Hydra Network. You should search in Destination URL the string