Firefox Ubiquity Plugin — FamilySearch Developer Network
Script that adds a Ubiquity command to Firefox for searching the new FamilySearch family tree with a simple command.
PAF Add-In License — FamilySearch Developer Network
This is the license to use the PAF Software Development Kit (SDK) to add a menu item into PAF 5.2 and sample code for reading and writing to the PAF ...
FamilySearch XML to GEDCOM Mapping
File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML Notice that the <detail> tag gets mapped to a description on the 1 OCCU line. There is not currently a known initiatory tag in the GEDCOM spec. ...
Welcome to the FamilySearch Developer Network — FamilySearch ...
The FamilySearch Developer Network provides information and resources for software programmers who support the FamilySearch Platform.
.NET — FamilySearch Developer Network
NET - A free .dll which wraps the FamilySearch API. It includes functionality for search, match, person create, person read, person update, person combine, ...
.NET (FSAPI.Net) — FamilySearch Developer Network
PowerPoint Presentation - 3/12/2008 - Slides from the FamilySearch Developers Conference presentation of the FSAPI.Net project. ...
Welcome to the FamilySearch Developer Network — FamilySearch ...
FamilySearch.org - Showcases new family history technologies that aren't ready for prime time. Your feedback will help us refine new ideas and bring them to ...
Welcome to the FamilySearch Developer Network — FamilySearch ...
FamilySearch.org - Showcases new family history technologies that aren't ready for prime time. Your feedback will help us refine new ideas and bring them to ...
Welcome to the FamilySearch Developer Network — FamilySearch ...
FamilySearch.org - Showcases new family history technologies that aren't ready for prime time. Your feedback will help us refine new ideas and bring them to ...
.NET — FamilySearch Developer Network
NET - A free .dll which wraps the FamilySearch API. It includes functionality for search, match, person create, person read, person update, person combine, ...