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MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
The last frame of L’eclisse is entirely pitch-black in which the word “FINE” has ..... the placement of strong vertical elements may serve to “organize” the canvas or ..... how enigmatic and elusive the meaning of the pictures may seem, ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a matchbook, a woman, a man - David Saul Rosenfeld.
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
In Piero’s case, he discards the matchbook as garbage in the water barrel. .... Piero responds, “Ero a cena con 7 o 8 miliardi.” (“I was dining with 7 or 8 ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
An empty matchbook. The empty frame in Riccardo’s apartment that ... Antonioni will wipe the Photographer from off the screen and the face of the Earth. ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
In Japan, there has been a time honored custom condoned by some elements of society ...... After Vittoria separates the matchbook from the piece of wood when she and ..... One particular tree is seen in Van Gogh’s painting of l'hôpital ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
After Vittoria separates the matchbook from the piece of wood when she and ...... against the Sun as she searches for the planes, creating a mini eclipse. ...... (If one analyzes the 2002 Italian DVD of L'eclisse and employs the zoom ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
The mirroring does not limit itself to the confines of L'eclisse. .... A literal act of mirroring occurs in the opening scene of L'eclisse when we see ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
As will be discussed further, repetition-duplication-mirroring represent an additional .... An empty matchbook. The empty frame in Riccardo’s apartment that ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
After Vittoria separates the matchbook from the piece of wood when she and Piero ..... as well as the ultimate motion picture screen of the Strategic Air ...... up to a Rube Goldberg alarm clock-radio which plays a song by Guy Béart: ...
MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S L'ECLISSE - A broken piece of wood, a ...
... present throughout the scene, to be joined later in the scene by the buzzing sound of Riccardo’s electric razor in a bitter duet of mechanical noises. ...
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