A Mormon in the White House? - Damon Linker Feb 17, 2009 ... A Mormon in the White House? David Frum is worried about the roughly 25 percent of Americans who would be disinclined to vote for a Mormon ...
Silly Season: Ayers, Obama, and Hyde Park - Open University Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, have lived in the Hyde Park area in Chicago. So has Barack Obama. (So have I.) If you lived in ...
Understanding Obama's Cutting-Edge Organization - The Stump Patrick Ruffini (via Ben Smith) has some fascinating thoughts about what makes Obama's ground organization so sophisticated. And, if you like that, ...
Obama's Michigan Attack - The Plank With that in mind, here's Barack Obama's latest ad in Michigan: ..... If I were Obama's MI ad director, I'd double down on this campaign. ...
Obama's Primary Mistakes - The Spine And my second question: after Obama and Edwards took their name off the Michigan ballot, and after the primary was held basically ...
In Which Bowl Games Deliver Me Into the Hands of the Far Left ... Now you've gone and gotten me started. January 2, 2009 1:57 PM ... It doesn't sound as if it took Bowl games to deliver Chait into the hands ...
How "Clean Coal" Shakes Out - Environment and Energy ... and sequestration will be too complicated and expensive to ever be practical. ... How does carbon sequestration for coal plants compare, ...
The Objective Case is Dying - The Spine Both he and Sen Clinton employ horrendous grammar, on a regular basis. They clearly do not know how to choose the objective over subjective case; ...
One (More) Argument for the Public Insurance Option - The Treatment The public plan would thus establish quality and cost benchmarks the private sector ... On pricing, it is basically a standard cost system. ...
Stimulus As Engineering Problem, Cont'd. - The Plank I'm an engineer and I know very well that all problems can be solved via bipartisanship. It's one of the first things we learned in circuit ...