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#Competitors: 391
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Competitors (391) Keywords
youtube.com 30,834,319
answers.yahoo.com 10,536,143
canadasguidetodogs.com 9,089
ottawa.kijiji.ca 62,857
profile.myspace.com 6,440,246
en.allexperts.com 1,935,405
ottawakennelclub.ca 157
dogbiz.com 17,631
i-bella.com 16
newfieflix.net 457
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Organic Listing Variations
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige
Paige: Where did everyone go? Gabe: Let's see...last year I could jump the fence over here. This looks like a new fence though. Paige and Willow: It's cold ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Mail from my furry friend, Hank!
Look what arrived in the mail for me! MORE MAIL! This card is from my furry feline friend, HANK! Hank lives in Thunder Bay, Ontario. ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Autumn leaves, pumpkins and pups
Autumn leaves, pumpkins and pups. Hi there! Willow and Gabe here telling you that we've just been put through a photo shoot for our two ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Gabe's first dog show
I do shows too, so I know. You are a very patient dog because that was a long go-over by the judge. We've done shows in the Ottawa area. ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Torn ACL and Luxating Patella
Torn ACL and Luxating Patella. I had a great birthday and many thanks for all of the happy birthday wishes to me. ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Do I have soap in my eye?
Do I have soap in my eye? WOW! Jennifer has been washing, brushing, combing, raking, clipping, trimming and literally working me over the ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Do I have soap in my eye?
Do I have soap in my eye? WOW! Jennifer has been washing, brushing, combing, raking, clipping, trimming and literally working me over the ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Our first entry on our very own blog
We were born at Beardog Kennels and we have the same father, Balzac D'Elsa 2E (Buster) so we are officially half sister and brother. ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Torn ACL and Luxating Patella
Torn ACL and Luxating Patella. I had a great birthday and many thanks for all of the happy birthday wishes to me. ...
Bella, Gabe, Willow and Paige: Gabe's first dog show
Paul says he isn't interested in this dog show stuff but was willing to ... I won my Championship in Kars, Ontario last summer abd we'll ...
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