First Born ~ Best Shot Monday « Barely Controlled Chaos
It seems as though us first born mommy’s find our first born girls to be one of the biggest challenges, yet as you stated so eloquently the most rewarding ...
The Birthday Party Recap « Barely Controlled Chaos
Catching bugs is so very fun for kids, and those little cages as party ... I’m going to have to check out Target’s dollar section for those bug cages. ...
Addie-tude ~ Best Shot Monday « Barely Controlled Chaos
Barely Controlled Chaos. Chaos.Controlled.Barely ... That first shot is gorgeous. I love it “Addie-tude”. You are right. That loast shot says it all. ...
Shameless plug « Barely Controlled Chaos
Okay, I entered Addie into the Most Memorable Moments Baby Contest for LandsEnd. The prize is $$ for their clothing. (Not as great as the one for the ...
Shameless plug « Barely Controlled Chaos
Okay, I entered Addie into the Most Memorable Moments Baby Contest for LandsEnd. The prize is $$ for their clothing. (Not as great as the one for the ...
Shameless plug « Barely Controlled Chaos
Okay, I entered Addie into the Most Memorable Moments Baby Contest for LandsEnd. The prize is $$ for their clothing. (Not as great as the one for the ...
New Spring Clothes! « Barely Controlled Chaos
New Spring Clothes! By carrievoris. Nana and Papa sent the girls some cash and ... And, of course, they both had to wear their new outfits this morning. ...
Crafty Tuesday Layouts and Spaces « Barely Controlled Chaos
Aug 7, 2007 ... Two more layouts down. I tackled Addie’s First Birthday this week. ... I can’t imagine having my computer desk in the kids’ playroom… ...
Wait, I see the sun! ~ Wordless Wednesday « Barely Controlled Chaos
You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. ... Jen Says: February 18, 2009 at 10:22 am. I hope you see more of the sun soon. ...
First Born ~ Best Shot Monday « Barely Controlled Chaos
First Born ~ Best Shot Monday. By carrievoris. She is opinionated. She has a fierce independent streak. She has a hugely stubborn attitude. ...