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What Do Women Want? #3 - Farm Wives - Scragged
What Do Women Want? #3 - Farm Wives. By Lee Tydings .... If they took more, the farmer's family starved and there'd be nobody to pay tithes next year. ...
Corporate Taxes That Hurt You - Scragged
Recent Articles. Guns Don't Kill People, Alabamans and Germans Do ... It's not usually a good idea to try to raise taxes on the poor: they ...
Time Magazine Ogles California's Naked Swim - Scragged
Our economies cannot recover until government at all levels learns to spend less.
AIDS Flies the Koop - Scragged
New data indicate New York City residents are contracting the virus that ... AIDS spread far enough and caused enough fear that General Koop issued the ...
Is Aborting Black Kids' Education Stupid? Or Evil? - Scragged
Obama must decide whether to sentence thousands of black children to a life of ... so that poor black kids receive scholarships to the same private schools ...
The Mystery of the Empty Stands - Scragged
Essays on politics, socio-economics, bureaucracy and the failure of government.
Essays on politics, socio-economics, bureaucracy and the failure of government.
Seattle, Al Gore's Winter Wonderland - Scragged
Politically-correct road care has made Seattle's roads impassable, stalling commerce and causing innocent deaths.
Seattle, Al Gore's Winter Wonderland - Scragged
The past two weeks have seen millions of Americans suffering under the icy ... Seattle may be a Winter Wonderland - if you're Al Gore or one of his acolytes ...
Animal, Crackers - Scragged
Animal, Crackers. By Petrarch Published: August 18, 2008, 01:16 PM ... If a species is truly in danger of extinction, you'd expect to find fewer and fewer ...
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