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Glu-Stix -- Hot Melt Glue Guns, Glue Sticks, and Hot Glue Accessories
We offer a complete line of Hot Melt Glue Guns, Glue Sticks, and accessories to meet your hobby, craft, and workshop needs. ...
Econo-Seal (Glu-Stix)
Econo-Seal. This economical packaging adhesive has excellent hot tack, a short open time and a good delivery rate. Good adhesion to plain and some coated ...
Glue Guns (Glu-Stix)
Specialty nozzles for our professional line of hot melt glue guns. Nozzles fit our Heavy Duty Glue Guns, Industrial Glue Guns, Pneumatic Glue Guns, ...
Glue Guns (Glu-Stix)
This heavy duty glue gun offers 80, 100, 180, 200 watts of heater power and can deliver up to 5 pounds of glue per hour. A stainless steel heater and ...
Glue Sticks (Glu-Stix)
Dent Puller glue sticks especially developed for PDR - Paintless Dent Repair. This unique glue stick has 50% greater dent pulling power than the most ...
Glue Sticks (Glu-Stix)
Hot Melt Glue Guns, Glue Sticks, and Hot Glue Accessories ... Hot Melt Glue: Forms and Sizes will show you how many sticks per pound and approximate yield. ...
Glue Sticks (Glu-Stix)
Low cost, frosty clear general purpose glue stick. This one gets the job done for less money, and is designed for consumer / hobby use such as floral ...
Colored Hot Melt Glue Sticks (Regular 7/16-inch Diameter) (Glu-Stix)
Yellow multi-temp glue sticks - 5 lbs. $47.85, Add to Cart. Yellow multi-temp glue sticks - 20 lbs. $155.00, Add to Cart. Glow In The Dark - 25 lbs. ...
Glue Guns (Glu-Stix)
This industrial glue gun has 400 watts of heating power. ... Nozzles fit our Heavy Duty Glue Guns, Industrial Glue Guns, Pneumatic Glue Guns, and Commercial ...
Glue Sticks (Glu-Stix)
Glu-Stix - Hot Melt Glue Guns, Hot Melt Glue Sticks, Hot Melt Glue Accessories, Colored Glue Sticks, Glitter Glue Sticks, Glue Gun Nozzles, Mini Sticks, ...
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