About Us

Company Mission and Vision


KeywordSpy commitment relies on exploring powerful ways to automate marketing intelligence and provide reliable tools for online marketers like you.


To provide a powerful web-based system which will make it easy for advertisers to gather, compare and create effective keyword ad campaigns in any given online niche.

Company Profile

KeywordSpy is the Leader in Keyword Research Technology and Competitive Intelligence to search engine advertisers.

Its proprietary technology tracks all search advertising activity in any given industry, empowering companies and individuals with marketing analytics, PPC, SEO and Affiliate intelligence, competitors’ keywords, advertisement copies, and other valuable information needed for advertisers to gain tremendous increase in their ROI.

It is a privately owned company, founded in 2004 by group of professional-online enthusiasts, who are dedicated in answering the burgeoning need for a reliable keyword research tool in the World Wide Web.

The KeywordSpy founders started their online careers as site owners and affiliates, and they have found out that 85% of total Internet traffic is generated by search engines, with Google having the largest share in the market.

Prior to the inception of KeywordSpy, it was almost impossible for them to accurately know how their sites rank compared with their competitors.

Therefore, their experience helped them pioneer a powerful web-based keyword intelligence system, which made a dramatic difference in the role and value of keyword research in various online sites and organizations.

Our Clients
What clients are saying ...
   The first time I used KeywordSpy I felt like I had been let in on a MASSIVE secret...like something so powerful and unique!...
   I mean, this thing will save you hundreds or even thousands because you don't have to spend money experimenting with keywords until you find the best ones to use for your website or campaign. Just let the competition spend the money experimenting and use KeywordSpy to find the EXACT money making keywords!...   
~Robert Tiberio    Why go to all the time and trouble thinking and digging up keywords that may or may not convert? KeywordSpy lets you grab the keyword lists of other sites, you just do a search in keywordspy or input the url that you want to see their keywords and viola! you have their 20k+ list!!     ~Daniel Bennett    Keyword Spy can cut the time it takes to build a keyword list down from hours or days to a matter of seconds. One of the best features is that their return for results happens instantaneously. Most keyword tools take minutes to hours to return results, but you never have to wait when using Keyword Spy. ~Michael Ullman
Adwords Qualified Individual